Only for Die-Hard JC Fans
14 January 2019
The Joan Crawford Experience 18 / 59

Joan Is A Hot Mess

Kay Bentley (Joan Crawford) is a spoiled young socialite on a cruise through the Greek islands with her father (Frank Morgan). During a stop in Naxos Kay goes ashore, rents a donkey and rides into the countryside to see the sights. She stumbles onto an archeological dig supervised by Terry O'Neill (Brian Aherne) and takes a liking to him although he makes it clear that he has no interest in "society ladies" from cruise ships.

He eventually gets rid of her, but she's back the next day and lies to him about who she is. She gives him the name of her father's secretary and lies about being a working girl. She says she's on the cruise to do some work for her boss, the owner of the cruise ship. They spend a wonderful day together and when things get romantic that evening Terry tells "Ann" that he's in love with her ... and she kisses him before running off back to the cruise ship.

Well, that's all Terry needed to decide that he's going to NYC to find her and get married.

It just so happens that the statue he dug up is being exhibited in a museum in NYC where Kay's father is on the board of trustees. They meet, and dear old dad brings him home where Kay is having a party. It's there he discovers Kay is exactly the kind of spoiled rich socialite that he hates so much. He also discovers that she's already engaged to the thoroughly dull Gene Piper (Fred Keating).

The rest of the film is all fighting and apologies all the way up to the altar.

This is not one of Joan's best efforts. The script is a mess, the arguments are shrill, and Brian Aherne is a terrible leading man. Joan's character isn't very likable either.

The best things about the film are Mr. Bentley's butler, Grove (Eric Blore), and Mrs. Gage's butler, Gallup (Arthur Treacher). They're funny in an understated way with just a hint of Gay around the edges.

Only a die-hard Joan Crawford fan would have the stomach for this film; others should avoid it.
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