The Amazing Screw-On Head (2005 TV Movie)
Fantastic, accessible steampunk farce
8 February 2019
I guess I wish this'd gotten picked up for series development, tho it perhaps only attests to my own pauperized imagination that I find it hard to imagine subsequent development living up to the high bar set by the pilot. Maybe that's why it didn't get picked up: The suits figured they'd really have to shell out the shekels to make it "work", and... just got cold feet at the thought of spending so much on what, after all, would be a lush, fantasmagorical fanboy snack.

I have no trouble with the sketchy nature of the animation; it's really all about story... and what a story this is! A story like this... you could really get away with an animatronic storyboard treatment!

Anyway, the pilot is "out there" for our delectation. Check it out!
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