"It's Just So Much Scientific Hocus Pocus!"...
24 February 2019
NOTHING BUT THE NIGHT starts off with a series of four, staged "suicides". When an orphanage bus driver seems to succumb to a similar fate, Colonel Charles Bingham (Christopher Lee) is suspicious, since all of the deaths are related to the Van Traylen Trust. Enlisting pathologist, Sir Mark Ashley (Peter Cushing) to help him, the two set out to get to the bottom of this mysterious "coincidence".

Bingham is interested in young Mary Valley (Gwyneth Strong), the sole survivor of the bus crash. The powerful trustees of the Van Traylen orphanage seem inordinately concerned about Mary's welfare, demanding her immediate release from the hospital, where Dr. Haynes (Keith Barron) has been making inquiries of her via hypnosis. What secrets does Mary know? How is her belligerent birth mother, Anna Harb (Diana Dors) involved in all of this?

When further, shocking deaths occur, Bingham and Ashley are on the case, leading them to the remote, island orphanage.

NIGHT is a solid, occult thriller, with an intriguing, novel plot and memorable characters. Lee and Cushing are their typical, brilliant selves, and are in almost every scene! A wicked twist ending brings it all to a bizarre, satisfying close...
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