Star Trek: The Next Generation: Timescape (1993)
Season 6, Episode 25
He just kept talking in one increidbly long and unbroken sentence...
26 February 2019
Its a mystery akin to Clues and Remember Me that I wont give away on the off chance you haven't seen this episode already. More than anything, Timescape deserves credit for emphasizing the science side of science fiction. Artificial singularities (kugelblitz) make for an engaging internet deep dive and their utilization in this episode is rather creative. Once the mystery is resolved and homeostasis is restored the episode reflects on its self and the human condition through the eyes of Data. An engaging episode ending on a contemplative note, Timescape isn't just among the better TNG episodes its science fiction done right.

Verdict: Best the first time through. Rewatchable and memorable.

Fun Facts: 1. Phasers are kept by the entrance to sick bay.

2. Tricorders can detect aging down to the minute.

3. Crusher is a cat person, Riker is not.

4. Troi confuses the saucer section with the port nacelle. An honest mistake.

5. Picard draws a smiley in the warp core breach, as is tradition.

6. People don't have internal chronometers.
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