Proposed new series title "Excessive Banter Foreplay"
28 February 2019
Nothing special here. Just another in a very looooooooong series of attempts by TV producers to sell us suckers on their veiled young and good looking thirty somethings pretending to be adept federal FBI and CIA agents.

Although the scenery is above par (Paris France, Moscow Russia, and Hamburg Germany) the excessive banter foreplay between the FBI agent Will Chase (Scott Foley) and CIA agent Frankie Trowbridge (Lauren Cohan) is so irritating and has been done verbatim by many other failed TV series over past decades..

Most irritating is the blatant abuse of a gun shot wound and the over simplification by FBI agent Will Chase in removing a bullet with a 10 inch wide kitchen knife from the interior of the abdomen of CIA agent Frankie Trowbridge who shows no ill effect from internal bleeding and she remains conscious throughout. In fact it's ironic that CIA agent Frankie Trowbridge uses a fake tampon which is actually a James Bond tyoe of explosive device to distract the bad guy as she jumps off the table with less than a flesh wound. Wow this is one tough lady eh? LOL

But eh, it's TV crap at its finest (thus the 6 out of 10 rating when comparing it to the other crap currently on TV) and as such I did not expect anything close to realism from a male and female 30 somethings who spent most of this pilot episode exchanging excessive banter foreplay.

*** A message for the writers and producers:

If you want a 10 out of 10 rating create another series like "The Wire (2002), or "Dexter (2006). I for one am not impressed with this excessive banter foreplay as entertainment.
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