Review of IO

IO (2019)
I am only disappointed in how everyone else seems to hate this movie
28 February 2019
I think the problem is it that it's moody and dark. I am reminded of how many people rejected my love of Pink Floyd and Roger Waters in college; "but it's so depressing" they say. No, not really. And everything ends on an up note which only works after the terribleness.

Io ends on hope. I don't need sunny days and trite, maudlin music to make me feel that things are now awesome and hopeful. All you have to do as actually watch, listen, feel what is happening in the movie.

It also doesn't lack in action. It lacks in action /tropes/. You could simply overlay a different Action Soundtrack to emphasize the beats as they set out on the road, find the supplies they need, find the big secret (never that big a secret) and more.

But instead of playing like a disaster movie, the movie deliberately has a tone appropriate to lonely folks after the fall of the earth. It's is quiet, measured, a tinge of desperation, not depressing.

I am only disappointed in how everyone else seems to hate it.
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