This is your brains on Jesus.
9 March 2019
Don't get me wrong. The majority of Christians out there in the world would think that what these two are talking about is complete nonsense. But back in the 80's there was a small, but vocal, group of Christians that saw the Devil in literally everything. And to be fair there some of those things were legitimate like heavy metal album covers and the like. But for the most part it was just them making connections to things that weren't there.

Enter "Deception of a Generation" by two guys who I want to assume are earnest in their belief that the Devil is everywhere and want to show it to you. The problems is they have nothing to back up their words, get a lot of what they say wrong and present anecdotes that literally they have no evidence for.

They present children toys and can't even get the names right. That by itself might not be a big deal but it shows the level of investigation that they did. For example they refer to He-Man as coming from "Ethernia" when it's "Eternia". Or mistake a character called "Man E Faces", an obvious reference to the fact he has three faces, to "Mini Faces" and says he turns from a demonic creature to a human. Actually he has a robot face, a monster face and a human face. The monster face or "demon face" as they call it is also his weakest face as it allows him to be controlled by Beast Man. Or let's not forget the original "My Little Pony" which they refer to as simply "My Pony" and their biggest takeaway from this is that some of them use magic. Magic is of course evil because it comes from the Devil according to them.

Fact is there is no real evidence for what they put forth and it's really nothing more than scare mongering from some rather stupid and gullible people. Watch it if you want a laugh, not to get actual information on what's going on.
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