Shazam! (2019)
Comic book accurate and brilliantly balance story writing
5 April 2019
WOW Warner Brothers / DC final have their act together, at first I will admit that from the trailer this film looked like a cheesy childish over the top comedy film, but Boy was I wrong. This film just blows me away with the incredible writing of balance with the dark and light concept allowing all the character to develop on their own which created a brilliantly made film.

It perfect set up the villian played brilliantly by Mark strong, which ive always said should have been Lex Luthor and this role as a villian proves it, this is what brought the dark concept of the film allowing him to be seriously ruthless and dark which is what makes a villain shine more in a film, which sadly the justice league failed on.

Djimon Hounsou more of a cameo but still a major role in this film played a brilliant wizard who gave a back of another well know DC character, Zachary Levi nailed this role as Shazam given the character an emotional development from start like any child would be like using the powers like an idiot and messing around to become a more mature adult when he realize what more important, Sorry ive got to say this, it does something captain marvel failed to do, a hero journey this the way shazam character is written is how you write a hero journey, its not about having powers it about how you use that and how you grow as a hero that matters because if you can't protect your family what type of herp are you.

This is the way this film is portrayed it's brilliantly done in a way they not forced or pushed in your face it a natural progression from child to an adult taking responsibility to not only protect the one you care about but to use the powers wisely. This is how this film come across and you couldn't have made this any better without it being over the top.

Asher Angel as Billy Batson top-notch acting giving a very emotional and powerful emotional journey of a kid that being bounce for place to place while trying to look for his real mother, which give him clarity in the film with his character. Same with the Rest of the cast including the childern played by Jack Dylan Grazer Faithe Herman, Ian Chen, Grace Fulton and Jovan Armand who have must bigger roles in the film that are comic book accurate

The comedy side of the film is great it not forced, though there were a few moments that the comedy didn't quite hit, but most of the comedy was absolute Hillarious, this like I said it balanced out with the Dark tone of the film as well with the 7 deadly sin and Mark Strong character, got say for a 12A they really push that dark side of the film. This is why this film work because of that balance which ive been saying for months and why the justice league failed, To create a balanced film is how can create a character to go through a dark journey into the light and become a hero, So good job with the writing here.

Just a warning though the 7 deadly sins look very dark I do mean dark which could disturb anyone under the age of 1.

Dislikes: there were few comedy moments that didn't hit and a tiny small amount of pacing which didn't really affect the film but was noticeable, but apart from that this film was good.
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