Big dissapointment in contrast to previous Farhadi films
7 April 2019
"Everybody knows" is more like a tourist advertisement than a film. It's hard to understand motives of Asghar Farhadi to make such a film without any personal touch. His three previous films, available internationally, are great examples of cinematographic thinking. The local Iranian subjects have been adapted to film narratives and the half-public life of families been showed through clever choises of places and camera angles.

But not in "Everybody Knows". There nothing I can recognize as the style of same auteur. Some themes are familiar from previous film, like the question of trustworthy spouses. The plot, a crime mystery, offers nothing to wait for.

The famous actors of this film are just famous; they don't have any motivation to act "great" in such a lazy and under-scripted film. There must be hundreds of Spanish actors who could do the same kind of tv-melodrama in front of camera.

Waste of time.
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