Terrible. Uninspired, lazy excuse for a new "season"
13 April 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: Spoilers for the first 2 episodes.

It seems as though even the boys themselves have given up on this show, as they couldn't even be bothered to do a live action season and it's just sad what we were given instead. What was once beloved to me, to the point I'd watch the new episodes as soon as they aired, has sunk to a new low. This show ended perfectly after season 7, and they should've left it at that, but clearly they just wanted more money as this show has no heart anymore, and they just recycle jokes that were never funny in the first place. Now we are given this rediculously bad cartoon, with horrible voice acting (they even went as far as to take Mr. Lahey's voice from previously aired episodes, and use them as dialogue) and it's just hard to watch as one line he is talking normal, the next drunk, and the tone of his voice is all over the place, it's offputting to say the least. The plots are rediculous (on the second and frankly last episode for me, I really tried to like it) and so far Jacob broke his neck to the point his head is on backwards, Corey lost his arm, and had it sewn on by Sam Losco, of course, who apparently had his male parts bitten off by a bear, and would only sew the arm on if one of the boys "fingered the hole" so he could get relief, which Ricky does, apparently using Corey's severed arm. Then Ricky gets a tapeworm by apparently eating week old burgers out of Randy's trash, and decides to keep it as a pet when it is removed.. this comes complete with a montage of him, Mo (Trinity's kid named The Motel because apparently someone thought that was funny) and the tapeworm playing ball and Mo skipping using said tapeworm tied to a tree. Then, apparently, after Ricky sleeps with a woman the tapeworm decides to climb into her mouth while she is sleeping, and latches on to Ricky's, shall we say, pepperoni stick, while they are having some fun together. Do you think I made this up? I didn't, I don't know how anyone could come up with something so stupid. Do you find this summary funny? Then by all means, check out what's left of the Trailer Park Boys. I, for one, am done with this cartoon, and frankly, this show in general. This is the worst thing I have ever seen, and if you loved the older TBP episodes, I highly suggest just rewatching them, because you can never unsee this garbage. I'd rate it 0/10 if I could. I don't know how anyone, high or not, would find this funny. I also don't understand how it has a rating of almost 8/10 on here.. nostalgia maybe? Seriously, just end this show already.
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