perfectly less focused on his murders and on the clever and manipulative evil nature he was.
12 May 2019
You might go into this film thinking that they are just making another glorified film on Ted Bundy, but this is far from the truth as this film is done in such a way not to glorify his murders but to focus more on the man himself and who he was a person.

The one thing this film focus on which is what the whole point of this film was about, begs the question of what made this man tick? what made him do what he did? was he capable of loving someone? The answer to this was no, this was a man incapable of love, the one thing this man showed was to look out for the little things because some people are so good at hiding who they truly are.

This is Done Brilliantly By the acting from Zack Efron that nail the very manor and attitude of who Ted was in the courtroom to the way he was with someone he was with, even in interviews Zack Efron said he didn't want to play this role in a way to glorify Ted but to show everyone who this man truly was. This is a Defining moment in Efron acting career shows just how amazing of an act he is when given the right role in a drama, give him a diverse acting range in his acting skills.

Lily Collins was perfect casting for this role show a wide range of emotions portraying a woman that was close the very dangerous man without knowing it at the time Liz Kendall, but had doubt and start to suspect him toward the end, who still alive to this day living with her family who help Lily Collins and the cast portray this film in the right way.

Though the film lack in focusing on the perspective of law enforcement in the case of the people or the impact on the people affected by this man, while ive seen a few reviews complaining that they should've shown these murders and rapes by the man, I feel this would have Glorified this man even those the film does go into graphic detail of the murders with real footage, the film doesn't show it which was the best way to do this film which Previous films have shown.

The best way I could describe this film was that it was less focus on showing what he did, more focus on his psyche. Though one thing this film failed to show was that Ted was exactly caught way before he was finally stopped, which due to the justice system and the lack of evidence at the time, they didn't realize that had a psychopath on their hand, he was set free which result in other 30 deaths.

Studies on Psychology into the mind of someone like him, the more you understand and recognize the behavior of a person with the red flags which shouldn't be ignored, the better chance of recognizing it in your own life before a murder occurs and thus avoiding a horrible death. The more you Analyse the situation and certain people, you gain a greater awareness of the way people operate to better protect yourselves and the people love.

Out of 69% of all Serial killers, Ted Bundy was one of the most shocking, not because of what he did to 29 women and 1 Child who was his last victim a 12-year-old girl, is because of people nieve nature in thinking there no way this person could've done it, because he came across charming, nice person, yet failed to see the red flags in his true nature it goes to show you can't truly know someone unless you see that person for who they are.

Watching the old Footage of the Real Ted Bundy today the way he looks at the camera and smile, you can see pure evil behind that smile and darkness in his eyes. This film was about showing his murders or the brutal reality of what he did, this is a film that portrays how manipulative he truly was, showing how he used charm with a charismatic nature to lure you in to getting what he wants, you could see how easy it was for woman to fall for it and ultimately lead to their Brutal murder.

This film if you set aside the Expectation and just immerse your self in the story, you will come to realize why so many women that were murder by him that fell for his tricks and the people around him effects by the way he was.

Not a lot of people born after the 90s would know a lot about him as he was Executed on 24th January 1989, Florida State Prison, Florida, United States death by Electric chair. But from February 1, 1974, possibly more the early maybe late 60s Ted Bundy when on rape, murder, burglary and necrophile spree across America until he was finally caught February 15th, 1978 and sentenced to death after confessing for more than 30 murders which the Law previously thought was only 3.

This was a great film showing that you should never trust a person full until you know who they truly are because people that are good at hiding the true nature are clever and manipulative. This is a film I highly recommend watching but waver your expectation and immerse your self in the film story you understand it better.

Dislikes: The only thing this film as ive said doesn't really play into the account of the lives affected by him which I understand because they didn't want to glorify him but I think they could've shown this without doing that.

Overall: Compelling storying from the perspective of the law, Showing the true nature of who he was, and understanding who he was around different people, a truly evil person in nature.
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