Review of Replicas

Replicas (2018)
Enjoyed it
20 May 2019
I enjoyed this film. It was interesting, entertaining and made you think. There were interesting moral dilemmas to think about. It was mostly well acted and the SFX and set design were believable and good.

It was reminiscent of William Gibson (Johnny Mnemonic) or Philip K Dick (A Scanner Darkly) science fiction. Thing is, the story appears to be set in the future (given the tech the characters are using - consciousness transference for example) but everything else in the film is completely current, so the viewer is confused as to when the film is set, how these things are possible.

The film isn't perfect, and I can't put my finger on why it doesn't feel like a big sci-fi blockbuster... it is good, but misses something. Maybe because it's not entirely original - it is perhaps derivative, lots of elements that we've seen elsewhere.

Reeves was good. Yet again playing the grieving husband, intense, driven, determined and with moral flexibility. Despite other reviewers, I think Reeves was believable as the mad scientist.

The only thing frustrating with the film was the cheesy ending. I don't know what a better ending would've been, but it took a predictable and slightly more unbelievable denouement and I would've preferred a continuation of the more cerebral and psychological/ethical dilemma sci-fi thriller theme.

Overall a good film that I'd happily watch again.
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