26 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Patrick (Gianni Dei) while standing along side of the road gets red liquid thrown in his face and goes into a lifetime coma. He is treated by his father Dr. Hershel (Sacha Pitoëff) at a private vacation villa and hospital. Five guests show up in the off season. The doctor has his coma patients connected to a large machine with a meter with red and green lights that plays 50's eerie sci-fi music. Patrick is able to control people and things through his super imposed eyes (see DVD cover) . Visitors are killed by Patrick and bad special effects.

This is the Italian film that the later 2013 blockbuster "Patrick" was based upon, although they give it no credit. As far as a horror film goes, the newer English version is far superior. However if gratuitous nudity is what you crave this one smokes the new one. I saw the general release edition which used any inane way to get a nude scene. There is an uncut version available that I haven't seen, although I can't imagine there be much more than the full frontal nudity already in this one.

Not much of a sci-fi horror. 6 stars for the nudity (Mariangela Giordano, Carmen Russo, Anna Veneziano, Andrea Belfiore)
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