1 June 2019
Oh the old last minute ta-da moment in movies. It has been employed since the beginning and sometimes its even been clever. Let me start out by saying that this movie is dull. I mean it is truly a dull movie. Of course I did not know how dull it would be when I first started it but even at even just an hour in length it felt like 4 or 5. And all for what may you ask? Well the ending of course.

So what is this tale all about? Well vampires of course, I mean it's in the title. But specifically about the murder of one Sir Karelia Borotyn, who is found with two marks on his neck. Of course then talk is all about how this is all the work of a Count Mora, played by Bela Lugosi. Traps are set and people are hunted until it is reveled that not everything is it seemed. All that sounds super interesting right? Well it did to me and then I started to watch it and like I said it was a dull affair. It was a good take on what a vampire is and how one man tried to use it's lore to get away with murder but thank God it was only an hour long.

Which all leads to the idea that sometimes you have to look at movies from a bigger frame. This movie isn't a classic nor is it all that great of a viewing but the ideas placed forth make it something worth seeking out. After all, are vampires real and can a legend be used to hide our worst acts?

So should you see this movie? Honestly yes, i mean its only an hour but I do warn you its dull but the twist at the end is something that makes one wonder what in our world is even real.
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