Review of Fig Leaves

Fig Leaves (1926)
Olive Hasn't a Thing to Wear!!!
10 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Olive Borden was a beautiful star equally at home in westerns but shining in scintillating, sophisticated comedies like "Fig Leaves" and "Pajamas". In 1925 she was named a Wampas Baby Star, secured a contract at Fox and became engaged to George O'Brien but then it all went horribly wrong. She spent money like water and instead of calmly negotiating her Fox contract, threw a tantrum and left the office vowing she was through with Hollywood. She wasn't but Hollywood was almost through with her!!

George O'Brien's nickname was "The Torso", Olive was cuteness personified so why not open the movie with an Adam and Eve scene that will tick all the boxes on their attributes!! In a scene reminiscent of the Flintstones, Adam and Eve share a blissful treehouse where newspapers are written on rocks, Adam goes off to work in a dinosaur street car and Eve entertains Madame Asp!!

Fast forward to 1926 and Eve Smith, smart young housewife is still being tempted by a serpent - this time provocative neighbour Alice Atkins (alluring Phyllis Haver) whose little asides make Eve discontented. While out shopping she is run over by a foppish fashion designer Andre who thinks he is God's gift to women - George Beranger who, I thought was so funny in Doug Fairbank's "Flirting With Fate" is excellent here. He sees Eve as his new muse, she sees modelling as a way of earning money to buy the clothes she wants!! When she comes home with a fur coat, Alice has a great idea that will enable Eve to keep the coat and Adam still being none the wiser - it doesn't work out that way and while Eve ends up with a saxophone, Alice gets the coat!! There's also a scene where Alice entices Adam over to fix a faulty lamp and by the time he gets back - Eve is not amused!! Well, George O'Brien is topped billed but it is Olive's movie all the way. Once she becomes the designer's muse the film becomes almost one continuous fashion show - it must have been just glorious to view it in colour, seeing the fashions of the the day modelled by the top beauties (I know they weren't mentioned in the cast but I'm sure I spotted Pauline Starke as Andre's old flame and Rosalind Byrn as a knowing model). And when Adam (along with Heinie Conklin as a very unfunny sidekick) decides to go to the fashion show to buy Eve a surprise outfit and sees her as the star of the show - Fireworks!!!

It takes an over heard conversation in which Alice claims that Adam gave her the fur coat, to make everything happy in loveland again!!

Just an all round fun movie!!
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