Modest sparks ignite impressive fireworks
16 June 2019
It doesn't happen too often to come across a historical martial arts action film that isn't based upon the usual suspects such as Ip Man and Wong Fei Hung. The Final Master falls into this refreshing category as it mixes fictitious and historical events. The story follows Grandmaster Chen who is the last surviving practitioner of the Wing Chun style of martial arts. He desires to open a school in Tianjin to save his family's reputation. He settles down as he discusses his ambitious plans with another Grandmaster, marries a local waitress and trains a talented disciple who must ultimately defeat representatives of the other schools. However, organized crime leaders, members of the other martial arts schools and a ruthless military officer soon see Grandmaster Chen as a potential menace. He isn't as noble as he claims to be however and has a vicious plan with many twists and turns to defeat his numerous opponents.

The Final Master convinces on numerous levels. The cinematography is gorgeous with calm and precise camera work, beautiful costumes and detailed settings. The electronic music soundtrack is quite unusual by contemporary standards but goes back to classic martial arts cinema of the seventies. The fight scenes convince with unusual techniques and weapons and especially the film's last quarter is quite impressive in that regard. The story comes around with numerous twists and turns as the different lead characters all manipulate one another.

There are few things to criticize. The first quarter of the movie is at times difficult to follow and we are thrown into a story with numerous characters who all have particular agendas which can be somewhat confusing. The first quarter also doesn't show too many martial arts fights and has a slightly dragging pace. Once the viewer has made it through the first half hour or so, the characters get more intriguing, the fight sequences get more rewarding and the plot comes around with interesting twists and turns.

In the end, The Final Master is a very good martial arts action film with historical and fictitious elements. The characters are intriguing, the plot is filled with surprises and the settings look gorgeous. Don't get fooled by the slow start because the movie ends up being quite rewarding towards the end.
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