Enjoyably bad
9 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie's obviously a rip-off of Up yet has little to do with it. Up was heartfelt, colorful and amazing while What's Up is ugly, dumb and even racist at times. It's interesting to note that this's a sequel to another movie called Little and Big Monsters. The story's about 2 scientist and their grand kids using their newly built house balloon powered by a mysterious rock to help catch monsters that are released into this world. Aiding them is a french guy (who looks like a UPS delivery guy) who may have a hidden agenda.

The animation's bad though not as bad as The Christmas Tree or even Rapsittie Street Kids Believe in Santa though's it's still pretty bad. This's some of the cheapest animation i've seen. The characters all seem rubbery and synthetic rather than alive. They have stiff walk cycles, clumsy dialogue and mostly unlikable personalities. One of the scientist Doctor Crumb (Mike Pollock) reveals most of his secrets on tv during an interview. The editing's laughably bad. There's a scene where one of the doctors mentions realizing how much he enjoys traveling by flight. Shortly after he says that the music poorly transitions as the scene focuses on the granddaughter Amanda and the french guy named Jean Pierre. Sometimes when the characters talk their flows sounds off.

The character's themselves are annoying. Guito the grandson is the reason behind the house flying despite his uncle's warning and protests afterwards. The humor itself is clumsily bad. As I said before there're a lot of racist stereotypes in the film. The main antagonist Jean Pierre is french and the movie won't let you forget it. When he's first introduced Dr. Crumb asks him if he wants some tea Jean declines saying that he's "french and that he drinks wine". Later on a chinese guy named "Ching Ling" wearing a t-shirt with a box of noodles gets made fun of for the rest of the movie despite helping the characters in their fight against the monsters. After somehow being trapped in the same bubble with the other monsters Guito complains to Dr. Crumb that the chinese guy's in with his monsters and didn't say anything when he showed him a cookie. Dr. Crumb asks him if he showed him a fortune cookie then adds that could've worked. It's pretty bad. It goes without saying fly away from this film as far as you can. This's definitely one of Video Brinquedo's worst movies. That along with The Little Panda Fighter and Ratatoing.
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