Exotic Locations, Charismatic Actors, Beautiful Actresses, Great Theme Tune, Original Storylines, with Good Plots - Yet Only Survived One Season
10 July 2019
I remember this series when it came out in 1965, but unfortunately it was not very well received. It was not amongst the shows that everyone at school was talking about.

I can only really say that it was not as popular as: 'No Hiding Place', 'Gideons Way', 'The Avengers,' and all the other detective programmes that pioneered the great crime procedural dramas that we watch today.

The programme had a very catchy theme tune, an envious view of beautiful and exotic locations, and had an array of many popular actors. Therefore, it is uncertain as to why this show only survived one series and thirteen episodes. However, as with a lot of programmes of the 1960s and late 1950s, the cancellation of a second and third series could have been due to it being shown at a time when there was a more popular show on BBC 1 or BBC 2 ( I think Terry Scott was on BBC 1 at the same time; and "The Virginian" on BBC 2).

It is ironic that a show with well-known actors and exotic locations, does not always make a programme popular. Maybe viewers prefer to watch programmes that mirror their own lives; or are based in locations that they have visited; or filmed in areas where they have lived.
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