This 2 Year Old Grew Up To Love The Homecoming & Waltons
21 July 2019
Growing up, I would see the Waltons on TV as my mom would watch it regularly, but I was too busy playing outside to care about TV unless there was inclement weather. Years later, I was told that the Waltons began with this movie, "The Homecoming: A Christmas Story." And my mother told me that I was just a little boy when it aired that Christmas of 1971. I was two.

This year, I turn 50 and I finally saw this OLD movie. 48 years later and I was HOOKED. I wanted to see more. After reading some of the great authors including Jesse Stuart who wrote of the hills of Kentucky and select authors in the Harvard Classics, my mind and heart were prepared and hungry for this kind of movie. And Earl Hamner Jr. is the perfect compliment to all of my previous reading on Appalachia and studies of Americana.

You will see a review here and there from someone who doesn't "get it". And I wouldn't have gotten it just ten years ago, even less so twenty years ago. But having been raised in the hills of southern Ohio where I could look out my bedroom window and see the hills of Greenup, Kentucky across the Ohio River with train tracks bordering the river on both sides, I have grown to appreciate my home and the surrounding states with their amazing mountain landscapes and people.

The stand out performances that made this movie in my opinion were Patricia Neal, Edgar Bergen, Ellen Corby, Richard Thomas and Cammie Cotler. And the story, simple and authentic, made me think of my own grandparents and life in simpler times that I only get to visit from time to time.

And that is the appeal of this movie. It's well written, well told and superbly acted. If you are from the hills, any hills, you will find something of home in this film. If you are not from the hills but appreciate the wonder and beauty of mountain living, you will watch and wonder if life really was like this. It was, for most of us.
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