A comment for the producers (I hope somebody read it).
24 July 2019
Me, as a huge, huge, huge fan (because its my favorite serial of all time and I have something very deep with this from my childhood). Right now I am a filmmaker and a screenwriter for almost 20 years and I have to say this. The problem with this new version its the complete lack of understanding of MELODRAMA. Yes, the way Knights of the Zodiac works is MELODRAMA. It is a like a MEXICAN TELENOVELA (if you hire a mexican producer of Televisa of the 90´s. This would be a masterpiece). Yes I know the story you are making its the same as it was in the 90´s but without all the elements of MELODRAMA that generates emotions in people (where are those super extreme close-ups? the elements of secrecy? the elements of anticipation? surprise? building tension moment by moment with revelations? They dont have to be even credible (because it is not realism or naturalism, it is a MELODRAMA). In every single chapter characters cry (until they dont have any more water in their body), they fight for friendship for the ones they love even if they have to spill the last drop of blood in their body and they dont care to die and suffer so much pain (that why its extremely bloody "but it has a reason that works" Knights of the Zodiac are MESIANIC HEROES "they die to save the other like Jesus Christ"). There is no series that have made me cry more than Knights of the Zodiac. Mix MELODRAMA (which is the exaggeration of reality in order to produce emotions) with a deep understanding of friendship (to die for them "EXAGERATION, EXAGERATION, EXAGERATION!!!"). In Knights of the Zodiac fights are very short (they are just a climax), they take a lot of time building anticipation. Knights of the Zodiac are extremely sad, and characters (that you love) they die and you cry for them!!!!!. But at the same time they give you hope and they make you want to be the best friend in the world. I am sorry, but without the elements of Melodrama, the serial wont work. Another comment, the music is horrible, it doesnt generate anything (but I am not going to talk about it because I am not an expert), but Knights of the Zodiac had an amazingly excellent soundtrack. Well, lets see what happens in the next episodes.
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