Review of The Key

The Key (1934)
Roguish William Powell Is The Key
30 July 2019
On my second viewing of "The Key" I found it more enjoyable, appreciating William Powell's performance as the key, if you will, to its appreciation. As Captain Bill Tennant, he is thrust back into the life of the woman he loved and left---Norah Kerr (Edna Best). Now married to Bill's friend and fellow officer, Captain Andy Kerr (Colin Clive), Norah has been haunted by the memory of her love for Bill. Bill is the same man he always was---free of encumbrances, to women or causes.

Filmed against the backdrop of the Irish resistance to British rule, "The Key" is a simple film expertly shot. Director Michael Curtiz keeps the action moving as things heat up between the former paramours and between the political adversaries.
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