Visually stunning, but very dull
6 August 2019
This movie looks wonderful and I liked the characters Alita and Hugo, however this film has no suspense or tension. It's well shot and each scene on its own is okay, but I just didn't care about what happened.

The script has just borrowed ideas and scenes from lots of other sci fi films like The Matrix and I Robot, but where those films had elements of mystery and a story that unfolded gradually giving the viewer pieces of information gradually, this one just meanders along, switching between so-so CGI action scenes and boring exposition scenes. The script is just bad. In order to get from one action scene to the next, characters just phone Alita up and say stuff like, "Hey Alita something bad is about to happen a few miles away, can you get there?" And then the film cuts to the scene in question, Alita shows up and the action happens.

There are lots of bad guys but their motives are virtually non existent. It's just "Kill Alita, or Hugo" Why? "Because, the boss says so" And who is the boss? Dunno.

A series of action scenes involving Alita beating up the same characters again and again doesn't make for an entertaining film. And a villain who doesn't show his face or reveal his motives isn't interesting either. Total waste of some decent performances from the lead actors.

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