6 Stars for Acting & Atmpsphere
10 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I wanted to watch the series because of the premise. I love David Morrissey's voice and it really gave it a nice noir feel to the story with his voiceovers. Mandeep is brilliant as the Corvi. She makes some remarks about her swearing too much about being a men's world which I found funny especially when at the end you get to see exactly how much more power she had than Borlu.

The atmosphere and tone of the visual delivery really gave it a nice sci-fi overtone, but sadly it lost itself in ep. 4.

All the build up and great acting and story fell flat during the resolution. The long awaited 3rd city, Orciny was what? Heaven? GTFO. Seriously, why put all this effort into Orciny if you are just going to bait and switch after 3.5hrs?

Sure, I can let it pass that the whole, "We are not going to explain why this divide actually exists." But to fake us out on Orciny? Come on, thats like twice bitten. Not coming back again.
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