WWE: SummerSlam (2019 TV Special)
Terrible show!!
15 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I skipped the two women's title matches as there was no good story or believability in them. Also skipped the entire pointless preshow. So score for them would be 0/10. I am sure had I watched them, it would've been 0/10 or an absolute 0/10.

Trish came back. She shouldn't have. Charlotte .... RIC FLAIR'S DAUGHTER is one of the most uncharismatic women on the roster. Trish returned to job to her because being a 8 or 9x women's world champion wasn't enough for Charlotte to surmount her legacy. What can you expect? She had no character or any amount of legitimacy at all. It was because of Trish I watched the match. You can argue that women were objectified during Attitude Era and Ruthless Aggression Era. I fully agree. But the top women like Trish and Lita were legit badasses and had a characterization. They looked as if they could kill you. If they had the women wrestling booked in the way they do now, that would've been insanely good. The booking is okay, make characters interesting. And why do you bring back legends like Angle, Foley and now Trish to ruin them like this? They already ruined Shawn Michaels by giving jobbers like Ziggler among many his Sweet Chin Music. I give this match 5/10, all because I was stratusfied to see her again.

Goldberg, well deservedly, squashed Ziggler. For the smarks out there, that's how Goldberg got popular. It's his gimmick, it's a part of his character. That's what makes Goldberg, Goldberg. But you won't understand as the ones you idolize neither have character nor a gimmick. This was a 10/10 segment. Wish it was longer. Goldberg speared him in an extremely intense manner. Wow!

Kevin Owens vs Shane McMahon. News flash. Giving him a stunner doesn't make him Stone Cold Steve Austin. You need a character like Austin. Owens is just a fat indy jobber. Thanks to Shane it was somewhat watchable. There are many things to Stone Cold, Owens doesn't and can never have. The intensity, the loud mouthedness, the badassery, middle fingers, beer, the list goes on. I give this match 4/10. All due to Shane though.

AJ Styles vs. Ricochet. Awful, awful and awful! AJ Styles is one of the worst wrestlers ever. He is a perfect example of a smark idol. No charisma, an indy jobber, some athleticism and that's it. Replace him by any of Balor, Ziggler, Zayn or Owens. The match would still feel the same because none of them have a distinct characteristic of their own and have all the qualities of a smarky wrestler. Ricochet has some athleticism and that's it. Based on athleticism, they booked this match with no interesting story to please the smarks. Ridiculous!! I give it absolute 0/10.

Edge is a GOAT. Him returning just to spear the cringe inducing Elias was awesome. This segment was a pleasant surprise. Alter Bridge is one of the coolest themes, btw. I give it absolute 10/10.

The Fiend vs Balor. I didn't expect it to be as good as it was. It seems like they are actually trying something with The Fiend character. He has creepiness. Loved to see Balor getting squashed. I doubt they are gonna use him well, but if they do, I might be interested. Good debut. It might work as some sort of a reboot to the Bray Wyatt character, which I never liked in the first place, and stopped caring about after superman Cena buried him. Good debut for the character. I give it 7.5/10.

Kofi Kingston vs. Randy Orton. This should've been in 2009. The best Randy Orton (though not my favorite) was during 2007 - 09. Kofi was at his best during 2009 when he was in the feud with Randy Orton. That ended abruptly. And nothing happened after it ended. Around 10 years later, they pretend as if it was a Shawn Michaels - Triple H feud or may be some Rock - Austin feud that didn't see the proper end and they are doing it again. Who cares? It should've been back then. Kingston and Orton fighting for WWE championship, with Kofi winning at WrestleMania. Now it all feels absolutely lame. I don't know what was the final decision to end the match, it happened absolutely ridiculously. The match was barely okay. Randy is stale. Kofi is cheesy. I give it 5.3/10.

Brock vs. Seth. It was a pretty decent match. And surprisingly not a typical Lesnar match. The finish was okay. Brock is always a pleasure to see. He doesn't show up, else he'd be the most interesting guy on the roster. It didn't have a main event worthy build, but was quite decent compared to today's standards. I give it 6.5/10.

This show felt like an extended episode of an average Raw of 2010. If it was Raw, it would've got 6.4/10 on the whole. But it was SummerSlam. Second biggest event of the year. It was a complete lackluster. No hype, no build and absolutely no intensity.


Score : 2.3/10

Grade : D-
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