18 August 2019
Quite brilliant and as already stated are accurate as are all whites which certainly was due to expert lab testing and careful checking of all chemical mixes and pedantic drying technique which needed 2 sharp eyes for neg and pos accurate drying ! These techniques were a Labour of love and every minute in that lab was challenging and success was always appreciated and great pride in our work was a given. Re hand held, those days would have needed a much larger budget ! That said the intensity of lighting , direction and screenplay all gelled for a successful final in the can job. For the general public , if interested I modestly suggest starting with a few now out of date technical books on film processing, screenplay writing, direction , lighting , and sound recording techniques all of which, technically were controlled by analogue equipment as opposed to today , which is mostly, though sometimes not, controlled by digital cameras and sound recording . There are many ( now 2nd hand ) books which can enlighten those who are interested ? I find it somewhat frustrating that most audiences do not understand very much, if anything about the stresses, strains , frustrations and sleepless nights endured by film cast and crew , often over many weeks or even months of sheer hard work ! That said, people that do this work, need to be eager and enthusiastic plus at times a bit nutty and also maintain a sense of humour irrespective of work hardship ! Those attributes seem to pass by most of the TV and Cinema audiences of past years and also today ! I hope these few words may inspire even ONE reader who may then pass that on to others ?
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