The Globe does it again
18 August 2019
I've written about several Globe productions; I find they're the most enjoyable classical theatre being done in the world today. The sets, costumes and music--especially the music--are all first rate and some of the acting can't be bettered. Paul Hilton as Faustus doesn't have the power that a Paul Schofield would have brought to the part, but he satisfies me very much; he plays the wounded quality of the man's striving after knowledge effectively. Only Arthur (Dr. Who) Darvill disappointed me: he's not devilish enough and his voice is small. I wanted an Orson Welles type of voice for Mephistopheles.

The supporting cast do well. If you have a taste for Elizabethan humour, you'll have a great time with Jonathan Cullen as Gluttony, the incredibly acrobatic Richard Clews as Envy and Iris Roberts as Lechery. A woman emptying a bucket of slops on stage might be less appealing however. Finally, listen to the music by Jules Maxwell, it's very evocative.
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