Review of The Hustle

The Hustle (I) (2019)
The trailer was funny...
18 August 2019
I think this is the only comedy where I watched until the middle part and then finally got so annoyed that I stopped. I didnt know the actors, I didnt know the original, I dont care. But I do care about a lousy script that includes nothing but shallow, flat or stereotyped characters lifted from the 50s, which some references to STDs and modern technology thrown in to set it in our day and age. I also care about men being nothing but stupid, naive, and randy, and women being nothing but money-obsessed, cynical and hilariously superficial. I also care about everybody living in some kind of surreal fantasy world where you do nothing all day long except sitting in your empty house and enjoy your supposed wealth, fly around the globe in search of the next stupid rich man, or talk to your strange, near-mute assistants about how awful your flight was. This all seems like some bizarre narcisstic daydream, or a students try at writing a script. If it had been made ten years ago - fine, the times were different then and so were the female / romantic comedies. And mostly they werent known for their quality or their intelligence. But to make a bloodless movie like this today - why?
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