Wonderfully done, but other reviews seem to miss the point
21 August 2019
Moving from beginning to end. I grew up watching SNL and Farley's films, and this documentary truly moved me. Other reviewers criticisms of this film seem to mainly be that his addictions and death did not get the time it deserves is silly to me and misses the point entirely. Just because it is a documentary, does not mean that it needs to be half positive and half the negatives to balance things out. This was made as a love letter to the man that touched so many of our lives in his short time on this earth and nothing more. It is said best towards the end of the film, that Chris was always hard on himself and never really saw what we all saw in him. This film seemingly is trying to say to Chris today, you WERE that amazing, and genuine, and hilarious, and here is how WE all saw you since you could never see it yourself. To add more about his death and dark moments would take away from this primary goal, and turn it into more of a tragedy than the celebration it was meant as. Great work, great documentary, and a great comedian lost too soon.
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