Review of Monsters

Monsters (2017 Video)
Wild Ride
30 August 2019
This movie intrigued me enough to write my first review. If you can keep focused you can follow through all the way to the end, or maybe the beginning. They call this The Last Starship, but the Starship doesn't actually do anything but land during the closing credits. I came here to see if there was a sequel to unravel the what seemed to be the beginnings of a plot.

Where things get lost is there are at least a dozen sides in this warfare movie. You never quite knew who was friend, enemy, distrusted ally, ally of necessity, sleeper agent, turncoat or zombie. If you try very hard you can follow a few of the threads, but I'm certain I missed even more. Basically everyone is trying to kill you or your group as you travel through a hostile wasteland on a mission known only to the main characters, but each of the main characters seems to serve a different master with different orders. In the end the only unifying thread is survival, but you are never quite sure who you should be routing for to survive. I think I understood what was going on by the end, but in the end all of the threads were left untied.

If you can stomach a movie where the plot is wildly fragmented, you don't know friend from foe, characters are minimally developed, dialog is muddled with alternating languages, and lots of people get killed then you might be OK with this. It isn't all bad. That might be too generous. It is all bad, and it is nearly unwatchable, but as the credits rolled I found myself wanting more.

If they could have taken this one movie and instead made a TV series out of it, where they could have devoted one episode to properly explore each of the characters and factions, it might have worked.

By the end I did not feel that I had wasted my time, but I did feel that I had only seen a small part of a much larger story.
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