Review of Hex

Hex (I) (2018)
Just meh...
6 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
It's not good, but not bad, just meh...

The story mixes several spices, like evil spirit/personality popping randomly up, dead-on-separation Siamese twin, dumb sex tourist, exotic places (with nice photography), mumbo-jumbo in non-English language (that probably means something like "pass me the salt, please" to people that know that language) and some female nude shots, to come up with a half baked mess.

The story is about a woman that claims to have some kind of disease that causes epilepsy, but what we see is a double personality, one an insecure woman, looking for a cure, another, a dangerous sex freak. The woman seduces a tourist, mainly with sex. She then convinces him to help her look for a witchdoctor, just because she had tried everything else already. They drive to an isolated place and, there, the woman is tied and a knife is given to the man. The witchdoctor tells him to wait for the evil spirit to appear and, when it reveals its name, he should sacrifice a goat, which was leashed nearby, trapping the spirit and killing it.

0k, till this point, I thought the ending would be the "he killed the wrong spirit" kind of cliché, but it wasn't. It was the "he's the escape-goat" kind of ending cliché (ref. "The Wicker Man", 1973), as the woman lures the man closer, knocks him off, then has him sacrificed. While she's been driven away, she smiles evilly.

But, and it's a big "but", the ending is not closing. During the film, the man is almost killed by a random psycho, and, for a moment, I thought it would be a "tourist trap" kind of cliché (again, "The Wicker Man", 1973, and also "Hostel", 2005), but he is saved by the said evil spirit, kind of making me believe that maybe the evil spirit was not so evil (or, maybe, it was not the evil spirit that had died during the twin separation, but the good one, who would be trying to stop the evilness).

Anyway, in a couple of scenes, when the good/evil gear is shifted, a neck bone cracking can be clearly heard. When the man is dying, bleeding from a gutted belly, his eyes seem darker and his neck cracks... Did he get possessed by an evil spirit (the same, or another, or whatever)? Or did that mean that the evil spirit was really not that bad, "just ambitious", and that the good spirit was not so good, after all. Or some other dumb theory that doesn't really tie all loose ends?

I'm fine with some loose ends, but they should at least point in some direction(s). This is just a big mess. Watchable, but forgettable.
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