Mildly disappointed
8 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I really enjoyed the first film, had a great nostalgic feel about it. At no stage would I have described it as scary but more disturbing but having read the book and seen the original mini series I felt it reflected the source material well. I always enjoy Stephen King, not for the scares but for the beautiful way he builds characters and friendships.

Chapter 2 I felt dealt with the characters and friendships well and carried on well from the first film. As many have said in their reviews the homophobic attack at the beginning is brutal and really tests your stomach.

What did I like about the film?
  • it didn't feel rushed
  • I liked the fact it explained a bit about ITs back story
  • the acting was great and the characters development
  • Pennywise was fantastic and the risks they took killing people you wouldn't usually have expected.

What was I not so keen on?

  • the cgi/model creatures namely the old lady and the thing with the tongue were ridiculous. Now I don't know whether they were meant to look comedic but apart from the running at the camera which was a bit overused, they weren't scary and just a bit silly.
  • this is more a moan about the dating of the source material, I know that this story is about the monster feeding on fear and as such coming together to take its power by not fearing it helps defeat it but it just doesn't seem to hold the impact you want it to. Please don't get me wrong I can't think of another way to end this and so should probably shut up but just felt deflated but I think this is because of the world we live in now and the high expectations we have.

All this said this is still a good movie, which tries really hard and I think is successful. I just came out mildly disappointed.
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