I Still Dream of Jeannie (1991 TV Movie)
Only one funny line and the best performance is by Djin Djin the invisible dog.
8 September 2019
Yes When "Jeannie said We'll challenge you and may the best investigators win"Then she said to her son T.J.'s guidance Councilor some thing like "they'll have a thing or 2 to learn going up against this Genie!"Then he said "Or this Bob!" Yes it's as The TV-Movie-Video Critic Leonard Maltin said in This Tony is off in Space Yes as literally as figuratively and you'll see upon watching this.Also as he put it The best performance is by Djin Djin the invisible dog.Meaning he's not seen at all and that is how.

Jeannie has 24 hours to get a temporary master and T.J. is too young while Roger can't because he's married.

So Jeannie and T.J. turn to Bob with just seconds left and then T.J. and Jeannie each kiss Bob with Thanks on opposite cheeks.Bob is played by Ken Kercheval of Dallas and must have been invited by Barbara Eden because of how she was on for a time and whether or not by Larry Hagman's invitation?But he still wouldn't come back to do an/any I Dream of Jeanie Reunion except on a Talk Show like he did.

You might check it out on youtube.

Truly,Stephen "Steve" G. Baer a.k.a. "Ste" of Framingham,MA.USA
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