Review of Fargo

Fargo (2014–2024)
How do I rate this?
9 September 2019
I don't know how I would rate this show.

The first season is marvellous. It watches like a multiple hours long Cohen brothers film. I didn't like the ending so much - it felt like the script writers were out of imagination, and it didn't really feel coherent with the epic-ness of the beginning.

The second season has a good story in itself (though I would have expected more bloodshed), though the editing (or directing, or both) were horrible. It lost all the gripping strange and quirkiness of the first season, and felt like "any other tv series". It was edited with long "emotional" shots, with random "seemingly emotionally fitting" music, and had way too many dialogues. The problem isn't only the dialogues, it's the "characters talking about what they might do but aren't doing". Less talk, more action. In the fist season, if someone wants to shoot someone, they just shoot. In the second season, people talk at ends before actually doing something. I'd give example of what I mean, but that would b a spoiler. Anyone who has seen the show, though, I think, will understand what I mean by long slow shots with music, that are supposedly emotionally charged, but that turn into a long bore where you wait for something to happen. I enoyed the story, and the link to the first season, but most of the time, I just couldn't wait for the characters to shut up.

The third season is horrible. I'm only half way through now, but I'm thinking about giving up. Strangely, halfway through you get some editing or directing similar to the first season, but in all the episodes before that, not one scene goes by before you get the feeling you're watching a music video. For half the episodes, nothing happens, just music and shots of, more or less nothing. I was also able to predict essentially everything that was going to happen from the start. but not in some weird 1st season "that's not really going to happen, is it?" way, more in a very common "oh, ok, that's going to happen. Jesus, couldn't have they thought of something less predictable, and of less caricatural characters?" way. So far, a lot of nothing is happening, a lot of dull dialogue, no link whatsoever to the other seasons other than Minnesota (which one could ignore if it were good).

I could give a 8-9 for the first season, 5 to the second season, and a 2-3 to the third season. I won't be watching more of it if I decided to finish the third season.
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