Spining with Power
14 September 2019
This is another under the radar gem, it's not totally overlooked but doesn't really get a whole lot of credit or as much attention as the others which happens in most long running franchises. This was also the last entry in the Neo Saban era and I thought it was a solid finish; yeah it's true the Neo Saban era wasn't the franchise's best era but it wasn't a total loss as there were two solid franchise entries "Dino Charge" and this one; so two out of four isn't bad, it's better than none.

The show is going with the Ninja concept once more, but unlike "Ninja Storm" which was fantasy this one is sci-fi which is cool and something I'd love to see more as it's a combination of two of the things I love in life sci-fi and ninjas.

The plotline doesn't reinvent the wheel as it's the typical alien invasion scenario but one thing that actually is unique is how the aliens have this game show where each monster they send down to attack the Rangers is televised, sort of like the movie "The Running Man". That also isn't exactly a new premise, but I thought it was cool having that in the franchise.

The monsters and their designs are good as usual, especially the two main villains like Madame Odious whom has this fox mask and kimono robes which signify elegance but nastiness which makes the character more deceptive hence her name. But I really like the design on Galvanax it's pretty much an exaggerated Shogun Samurai look but all the same it's cool, and he's really menacing looking. Both are decent villains though not my favorite as they are on the two-dimensional side but they serve their functions.

The music is sold, the theme song is fun really like the fast guitar tunes which fit the nature of the show, and even there is a remixed track or two from the first "Power Rangers" show in a episode or two, one of them is one the track you would hear during the Zord battle which I thought sounded cool. I always like remixed tracks showing you can still do more with the track or making them sound even better or unique.

The Ranger characters are cool as their all unique, my favorite is Preston whom is the Blue Ranger. He's cool I like that he's into magic and has big dreams of being the next David Copperfield or any other great magician. Though he's not perfect as he's a little ill confident and his magic act doesn't always work out the way he wants it to as sometimes something goes wrong in the trick but Presto doesn't give up as he keeps plugging away at it and he does get better every time, especially in his confidence.

Haley and Calvin are solid, Haley I think is cute and kind of hot, she sweet but has a certain energy to her, really like that she's into drama and acting which I am myself. Calvin, he the passive aggressive type as am I, that is into automotive but mainly loves to fix and build them. What I like about those two is the fact they're in a relationship. Which I thought was interesting and sort of a first for the show.

Sure, there have been couples in the franchise, but it was most of time just the beginning of a relationship. The chemistry between both I thought was sold there's a good back and forth between them I bought they were a couple with a history. Though it's too bad these two didn't have more episodes together which I'll admit is one weak point of the show, I really would of liked to of seen a little more interaction time between the two, or maybe even a episode where we would see in a series of flashbacks as to how both became a couple to provide depth to them.

Sarah is sold, she's another one of my favorite Pink Rangers if not high on the list. She's fraking gorgeous and hot, with persona to boot. She sort of the technical officer of the bunch much like Billy in the first "Power Rangers" just like him she's inventive, very much into science and technology as she has that hoverboard all the time, but she's energetic and outgoing as there is always a lot she wants to do.

But of course, we're all in it for the action and it doesn't disappoint as it's ninjarific. The choreography is well done, really like the fluidity of the Rangers movements which makes sense as the martial art Ninjutsu part of it is based on constant flow. Like the design of the Helmets as each of them have a Shuriken of different design.

The weapons are cool, from the Ninja gos they use and those shurikens which are not just the morphers but are a hook up feature to the gos. The Shurikens they amplify the power of the users but what I really like is how they can mix it up sometimes which can double the power as well, which makes the powers the Rangers utilize seem less stationary and keeps the bad guys guessing. The Zords are also cool and memorable looking, there is this one zord that acts as a command chair to help double the power.

Thought this show has some turbulence in its spin cycle. One of the weak points are some bits of humor are weak, but then again that's comedy most of the time there will be hits and misses. The biggest miss is Victor and Monty, these guys are fraking annoying their obviously poor man versions of Bulk and Skull. I honestly didn't find both funny as their loud and obnoxious, let alone self-serving blow holes. They just take up time which would have been in better use for the Rangers.

And last the show has the same fundamental problem as "Dino Charge" where the second season doesn't have as much momentum as the first, it wasn't bad at all I still enjoyed watching but it needed a little more spin.

But the main problem is I don't feel there is much or enough character development. Don't get me wrong the Rangers in this show are solid and seem to be well rounded characters ,but I felt they could of used a little more depth so we could explore and know them even better as well some advancement in their personal lives and not just lifestyles.

Overall, this was a solid entry, it's not on my favorites list but it's good fun all the same that's worth a spin.

Rating: 3 stars
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