Everything Sucked!
17 October 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The story sucked. Things just happened, and characters were only subject to their unstable story. When Luke's team was about to film one of his movie's scenes in California, their production is briefly stopped by a police officer who showed up all of a sudden for they didn't have a permit, but the problem is immediately solved by putting her in the movie (and then she gets laid with the teacher), and the story moves on as though nothing happened at all. This is basically how Everything Sucks! Tells a story.

The characters sucked. They did not even have a clear goal. The relationship between Luke and Kate is awful. Once Luke finds out Kate is into girls, he starts taking her on dates and trying to make her take pity on him, maybe in order to receive a pathetic kiss (from a girl who doesn't even like boys), almost as though he was trying to turn Kate into her "prisoner girlfriend" or something. Also, he sometimes seems to be maintaining a good relationship with Kate's father, while for other moments he only yells and insults him for being on a sexual relationship with his mom. Speaking of, was the romantic story arc between Luke's mom and Kate's dad really that necessary for a teen comedy like this?

But that's not all. The show was only cool and interesting at times, yet often maculated by teen drama clichés. It's completely tension-free. Let's focus on Kate - If she hypothetically found out she's not a lesbian but bi, no character would really mind, the show would just continue. She even ends up dating Emaline, an older girl who even went as far as to writing "DYKE" in her locker. (By the way, seriously, did anyone noticed that this is a 20-year-old girl kissing and dating a 14-year-old child?) Although things eventually got better between them as the show proceeded, it's already clear enough that there's no chemistry between them for those two main reasons. Let's now focus on Luke - The story implies he loves filmmaking, but he hardly ever demonstrates it, for he's too busy talking and thinking about Kate. Does he know how to write a script? How much does he know about cinema and its history? Which are his favorite movies?

Everything Sucks! Englobes all the possible clichés from teen shows you can imagine, and you can readily notice them from the very first episode. Tough, cool students bullying the nerd ones; a straight boy having a crush on a lesbian and then becoming best friends; Family issues... The cast, the cliffhanger at the end, and the accuracy in its 90s atmosphere seem to be the only aspects in which it didn't suck, but not even these managed to save this Netflix original from being noticeably flawed.
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