Classic Catholic School - Heaven Help Us
18 October 2019
This film is a classic example of Catholic School in the not so good old days. The performances are right on and the production values are very good. The direction is crisp and the screenplay is practically perfect. And as bad as this one brother was in the film, the Saint Bonaventure School of West Paterson, New Jersey (now Woodland Park) had a nun that was FAR worse than this bully. Sister Aloysius of the Fourth Grade in 1957 physically abused one or more students on a DAILY basis. She beat poor Jeffrey Lovas on the head with her pointer and would break, on the average, about three rulers a week on other parts of his body. He later became the police chief of West Paterson. Several other victims of this sister were beaten with fists, kicked, and had their hair pulled at least once a week. She terrified the whole class for a year, but two years later, we all got our revenge on her because she was getting overweight and frail and could not hit us or catch us as easily as she did in the fourth grade. In the sixth grade, we would all laugh at her efforts and drive her to a frenzy, where she started huffing and puffing, and sweating after she plopped down in her chair with her ruler. During the final exams, she fell asleep and we all copied the best Science student's work on the exam. We all got caught because we all got 97 with the same wrong answer on all the papers. The parish made us take the test again, but the good part was they retired Aloysius after that incident. Sorry to go off on a rant, but this film reminded me of her.
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