The Life Zone Redux.
29 October 2019
This movie is bad for two reasons. The first is it's simply a bad movie from start to finish. But the second reason is that it's a kinda remake of "The Life Zone". If you haven't seen "The Life Zone" then don't bother because it's equally bad. What this movie does is takes a slightly different approach to it and leaves out some of the elements including the weak twist ending.

Seven years ago three women were kidnapped from an abortion clinic and were forced to give birth. The people that did this finally admit their guilt and the whole thing goes to trial. It's revealed that two of the women that were kidnapped were actually in on the whole thing. In other words all of this, including keeping them hostage for seven months and forcing them to give birth was done for the sake of one woman and one woman only.

And yet throughout it all, this is painted as a good thing. These people did all this to ensure one baby was to be born and for this they feel they should be rewarded. They mentally tortured a woman for seven months and forced her to give birth. In what universe is this a good thing? Remember free will? Obviously the filmmakers don't.

This is just another anti-abortion propaganda movie that thinks it's more clever than it actually is.
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