Everything I expected this to be.
10 November 2019
Well not quite, I expected the animation to remain the same and its very own unique and distinctive style, but wasn't sure in which direction it was going to go in terms of plot, and if it would manage to live up to a magnificent series without hurting its legacy and give it a proper ending. Clever use of parallelism between the plot and actual show in real life. We could argue that Rocko fans feel like Rocko himself over his 90s TV show like they feel about Rocko's Modern Life being stylistically and narratively so identified and encapsulated in the 90s that somehow it feels like stuck in the past. In my opinion, that is the strongest point in favour this film has; Ralph Bighead's storyline was rather surprising, but in a good way, since I felt his situation fit the times we are living in, and it plays out so well in a show like Rocko's Modern Life.

After being in trapped outer space with no way of returning home for 20 years, Heffer and Filburt quickly adapt to modern life, with smartphones and more technological advances and modern culture, while Rocko feels that this life is not for him. I believe the message tells us not to get stuck in the past and just embrace the times we live in, and try to adjust as best as it can possibly be, because the past is the past and it cannot return, no matter how much we want it. I applaud this moral lesson and this film, it's such a creative way to end the show.

Even if you have problems with some plot points, you will like it for nostalgic reasons.
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