Encino Man (1992)
Funny Dumb Comedy.
10 November 2019
Review: 'Encino Man' is a comedy film directed by Les Mayfield. This movie may be a dumb comedy, but I also think that it's one of the most underrated comedy films of all time. It's a smart and easy storyline and it gets pulled off perfectly by its lead actors. It's not a perfect movie by any means, but it's one of those comedies you can watch multiple times and still enjoy the 10th time through. The plot revolves around two geeky teenagers from Encino, Los Angeles, California - played by played by Sean Astin and Pauly Shore - who discover a caveman in Morgan's backyard frozen in a block of ice - played by Brendan Fraser. Astin, Shore and Fraser are great in this movie. It almost feels like three friends got together to make a movie, but in a good way. I have never been a big fan of Pauly Shore, I like a couple of his movies but this one stands out to me the most. I like the hippie vibe he creates in this movie and everything that comes out of his mouth is hilarious. I like Brendan Fraser in everything I have seen him in, and Sean Astin seems to always play the same character in movies, the dork. A lot of things that happen don't seem realistic, even the world that this film is coming from, and I could have done without the whole romance between Sean Astin and Megan Ward's characters. I like that throughout this movie Brendan Fraser only learns to say a few words. It makes sense being the fact that he is a caveman, and the movie only takes place over a couple days. He adapts to his surroundings a little too quickly, but this movie being what it is I am fine with that. Overall, it's goofy, it's at times stupid, but it's all around funny! Just one of those little movies that if you will allow yourself to put reality on hold for 90 minutes, it can and will charm the socks off you. 3.5/5
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