Completely Honest ...
21 November 2019
I watched this because I saw a bunch of 50-year-old men complaining that the new She-Ra 'ruined their childhood'. I thank them! Shows like this were obviously never meant to appeal to these types of people, but I'm so glad they gave it the publicity it deserved!

I remember the original being very cheesy, with Catra making awkward cat noises after every line. Hey, it was the 80's. And it's true that this reboot has made a number of changes, but in ways that only benefit it, and it is getting better with every season!

To first address the biggest complaint, that the show is "pandering to ", it seems these people must live incredibly boring lives to not realise there is just more than one skin colour and body type. And also not realise that the original was a pure cash grab, with the original design being as simple and samey as possible for all the characters in order for the companies to mass produce the same cheap toy mold.

The next complaint, is that they changed the characters. They sure did! Every character has incredible depth and is relatable. From Bow being the mediator friend acting as the glue to the trio, to childhood trauma from a parent, to being a parent who can't let go of their child growing up too fast. Even the side characters have so much thought put into them. I really have to give the writers props!

I've just finished rewatching the show right through for the 3rd time since Season 4 came out, and I am at the edge of my seat to know what happens in Season 5!

I really implore the show runners to push for more episodes because audiences NEED shows like this! We NEED characters like Catra, and relationships like the girl's have with Shadow-Weaver, we NEED heroes like Adora, friends like Bow, Villains like Hordak, and the under-utilised True Neutral characters like Entrapta. The world NEEDS more She-Ra! Please deliver! There's so much more I want to see develop and resolve (that I can't address without spoilers), and I sincerely don't believe it could be done with satisfaction in only 13 more episodes.
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