LOL. WHAT the HELL was this?
1 December 2019
Stallone fans are giving this a 10; and NO, it is in no way a 10. The Godfather is a 10! Sheesh!

That said, it isn't bad.

It starts out pretty evenly-paced, and surprisingly, really well-acted. Even Stallone is believable. He does look ancient, however, and it tugs at ones' heartstrings to think he really IS THAT old. The girl who plays Gabriela, the girl he refers to as his niece, is really cute and she too can either act, or, had a seamless rapport with Stallone which made their scenes together almost flawless.

The thing that got me, is how gory the film is. I didn't mind it, but it did surprise me. It's Rambo Last BLOOD after all, so we knew there would be blood, just not as much as there was. The death scenes are well done, if just a tad fantastical, but all in all they satisfy.

I really wish IMDB had .5 scores, as this one is a 6.5. Not anything that you will be talking about next year, but good enough to enjoy now.
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