The Crown (2016–2023)
Great performances, beautiful cinematography and amazing music, only the line between truth and that added for dramatic effect concerns me
5 December 2019
It must be very difficult getting the balance between what is known to be fact and what needs to be added for dramatic effect and to complete the story. I assume huge amounts of research went in to the story and I can only hope that it is as accurate as it can be.

However putting this aside I have thought at the episodes have been great with season 3 being by far the best.

The cinematography is gorgeous, the script both crisp and funny when required. All the actors have been amazing and I don't really want to praise anyone over another.

I was worried this was either going to be a love fest for the royals or sensationalism and over dramatic. I do like the overall idea of the royal family although some of the individuals leave a little to be desired. So I wanted a balanced view and think I got it.

I initially assumed it would be a program my mother only would like but found myself drawn in.

It appears to give an insight into the pressure and challenges facing the family as it has moved through history. It certainly made me think that even with all that money and property it definitely hasn't guaranteed happiness and I really don't envy them.

It is very subtle in making its overall points and I like to think if they ever watched it, whilst they may think "we that never bloody happened" they would appreciate the take on their lives.

My favourite episodes mostly fall within season 3 with Aberfan being one of the most emotional bits of TV I have ever watched. The last 2 minutes are so well shot and draw you in right until that crucial final second which I think sums up the whole point i make above.

As a guy in my 40s trying to find my place in an ever changing world a particularly liked the episode "moon dust" and whilst one of the slower episodes it really hit home, and with Prince Philip having retired recently with health concerns it made it even more poignant.

If you detest the Royal Family you will probably pick a lot of fault with the program however if you take it as a reflection of a family facing unique challenges it is amazing.
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