Joe Pera Talks with You (2018–2021)
A warm cup of tea for the life gone haywire
10 December 2019
I'm not a doctor nor psychologist but I can give you my Scout's Honor Pledge™ that this show will help ease symptoms of anxiety disorder, panic disorder, possibly help with mild-to-moderate depression, and, since most dis-ease of the body stems from inflammation, which is caused by resistance, I'd be willing to bet that viewing this show in a focused and engaged way could bring about healing of the body due to the nature of it, its values presented, and the simple truths it posits.

Similar to the mission of the Stardew Valley developer who wanted to remind people of the simple, sustainable "real-ness" of a life spent farming off the land, I'd assume Joe Pera and crew are hoping this show incites a similar sense of "simple, sustainable personal wellbeing" in its viewers. In my case, it absolutely has and this show has made me laugh out loud and cry quite silently in the most healing and therapeutic of ways.

Reviewers who call it boring and unfunny aren't keen to what this show is trying to do. It teaches the frazzled, nervous-breakdown-prone modern working person how to re-approach life in ways that are so slow and simple, it's entertaining-and definitely funny. If you're not laughing or invested in the show, you're probably not the right patient for this subtle therapy.
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