"Instead of guns, they carry violins . . . "
13 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
. . . states the narrator of CZECHOSLOVAKIA ON PARADE, which pretty much sums up WHY "Der Fuhrer's" infamous "Blitzkrieg" swept across most of Europe so quickly in the late 1930s. There's nothing that promotes World War more effectively than ostrich-like nations insisting upon "arming" themselves with string instruments! You can almost hear would-be dictators chortling, "After our tank corps crushes their cello section, our Luftwaffe will bomb their violas to Kingdom Come!" Of course, most of the deluded musicians pictured during CZECHOSLOVAKIA ON PARADE were slain within a couple years of its release. Music might soothe the Savage Breast, but it has little effect on Gestapo Beasts. No matter how many "World Wonder" clocks and Jewish Traditions a city may boast, large-caliber machine guns remain the True Equalizer. IF a nation is to be prepared for those inevitable Rainy Days, every citizen MUST have easy, affordable access to at least a couple of military-style assault rifles AND an ample supply of ammo! So watch this cautionary film, and then support your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps)!
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