Paranormal Factory of the Stupid
18 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
If you are a fan of "found footage" films, this little gem will make you want to swear them off forever. It really is that bad.

Carrie and her BFF Valerie decide to investigate an abandoned, supposedly haunted factory. Carrie is the believer, the novice paranormal investigator, and Val is the good-natured skeptic who tags along to humor her friend.

Instead of driving to the factory together, they take separate cars. Carrie explains that the logic behind this decision is like, so, like... I don't know... like so that they can... I don't know... so like... I don't know...so like if like something happens... I don't know.. like it would be easier for one of them to like totally bail and like... I don't know... like leave the other one behind. Like.

Our intrepid duo bicker and debate about going inside, and they find a crumpled black sheet on the ground. We are then treated to such scintillating discourse as;

"You pick it up."

"Nuh unh, YOU pick it up! It's your investigation."

"Yeah, but you're closer so, like, you pick it up!"

Before either of these two can pick up the creepy black sheet, Kyle, the realtor, shows up and admonishes our heroes, telling them to go away. While he is telling them to leave, the creepy black sheet disappears! Oh no! Mystery of mysteries!

Carrie and her BFF go back and sit in Carrie's car. Carrie is now firmly convinced that something akin to Area 51 is going on inside of that factory, and Kyle and his unnamed clients don't want the public to know. But dagnabit, Carrie is going to expose the truth! Mind you, the total amount of the evidence of this vast conspiracy consists of a crumpled black sheet, Kyle the realtor, and the fact that Carrie believes that she may have seen someone on the other side of the fence surrounding the factory grounds. That's it.

Carrie and BFF go back, and they find the crumpled black sheet again. Inside of it, they find.a child's doll. Carrie has also been hearing voices, and what sounds like childrens' laughter. Of course, the BFF has heard none of these things. Carrie will not be dissuaded by her BFF's skepticism and reluctance to sally forth, however! By cracky, nefaria and perfidity abound in yon factory walls, and she will bring the truth of it all to Joe and Jane Q. Citizen!

They sneak onto the factory grounds, and are caught again by Kyle the Realtor. He says, "What the Hell did I tell you?!", and the next thing you know, Carrie and her BFF are somehow inside of the factory?

Where's Kyle?

How did they get away from him and make their way into the factory?

Details! Who has time for details and explanations?! We have a movie to make, damn it!

Inside the factory, Carrie and BFF become separated. Carrie hears groaning, and comes to find Val on her knees, head thrown back, arms out by her sides. Is she possessed? Is she having severe gas pains from ingesting gas station sushi? Is she in the throes of uncontrollable flatulence?

Hey, look! It's Kyle again! How the heck did he get there?

Carrie flees, leaving her BFF behind, and we are treated to flashback after flashback, each and all recounting the same things that we"ve already seen at least three times by this point.

We are then treated to Carrie's labored breathing on camera while she flees for about five minutes. Oh, look! It's that old doll! Now it's in a hole in one of the factory's interior walls. How did it get there? What's the sgnificance of it? Which knows? Who cares? Certainly not the director. Carrie keeps running, and she finds the crumpled black sheet again. This time, there are noises and movement from under the blanket, and then there is a glimpse of some pallid face as a figure leaps at Carrie from under the blanket.

Oh, hey look! There's Kyle the Realtor again. Like, I don't know... hi, Kyle!

Then, we are treated to the camera rolling around on the ground, and then someone picks it up. Who is it? Kyle, the creepy realtor!

Where's Carrie? Where's her BFF? What's the connection between a crumpled black sheet, an old childrens' doll, an abandoned factory, and Kyle the realtor? Carrie doesn't know. Her BFF doesn't know. I'm pretty sure that the director of the movie didn't know.

Fade to black! The End.

If you're looking to be annoyed for about an hour and a half, this is the movie for you. If you're looking for something other than two or three hundred "I don't know..." and "So like..." references, you may want to pass on this one.
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