The Two Popes (2019)
21 December 2019
Anthony Hopkins and the scriptwriter accomplished something I never thought possible - they made Benedict XVI sympathetic. Jonathan Pryce showed a depth never expected in his nuanced portrayal of Jorge Bergoglio. The script no doubt soft pedals the reasons for Benedict's resignation, but it does face the controversy over Bergoglio's role during the Argentine dictatorship. The movie is splendid, with all the pomp of the church rendered in fastidious detail, the better to contrast the Franciscan humility of the new pope. The wry wit, the sense of connection between the two men, the pivotal moment in the church - all make this an outstanding film. The church still has so far to go and swamp does not begin to describe the pit of corruption in the curia. It will no doubt take more than a generation and perhaps several popes to get it on the right track.
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