Sorry..But Something Was Missing
23 December 2019
There is always happy anticipation when Eric Mabius is cast in a movie..But something was missing in this film..First of all, Mr. Mabius looks a bit puffy and different from his usual appealing demeanor. Perhaps this viewer is in denial about the aging process, even in handsome movie heroes? His chemistry with Tricia Helfer was sadly very minimal She is taller than her leading man..and while there is reality in that concept..women may indeed be taller than their love interest, in this film the height difference only seemed to diminish Mr. Mabius and his heroic role further. The story was predictable as are most Hallmark holiday stories, and by this time in the month, it is often difficult to find one with an original plot. Tricia Helfer has a dazzling smile..She is lovely..Her voice is appealing..she exodus intelligence and strength..But in this film, the combination of the two leading actors was just not as exciting as it might have been. Eric Mabius deserves better material, more strength in his characters, less passive roles. This viewer always looks forward to seeing him in the next movie to come along.
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