Crowded Finale that did the best with what it was given
26 December 2019
Ever since the release of The Last Jedi, it was quite evident that Disney did not have a plan as for where this trilogy was to go. And this film just about highlights that. After a film that disappointed many Star Wars fans and kicked the trilogy down a twisted road, Abrams decides to attempt to bring it back on track. However while doing this he must keep in mind that the trilogy must come to an end in this film. As well as the entire Star Wars saga. And here lies the main problem with this film. It tries to be so many things in just one film! Obviously all of this can't be flawlessly accomplished in one film, which makes the entire film seem like a giant mess within the mess, many things get left behind like whatever Finn was going to tell Rey and any romantic chemistry between Rey and Ben. However amid all of this criticism, I believe it is an overall good film. Why? Well because with what it was given, it managed to put a cap on the trilogy in a way that feels slightly satisfying which is quite surprising given the atrocious flaws of The Last Jedi. As a Saga conclusion, it also manages to feel cohesive in a way. It makes sense that Palpatine is the main villain controlling the story considering he has been in the past two trilogies. Coming out of The Last Jedi, I felt uncomfortable and disappointed with the lousy answers it provided. In contrast, I am happy with the answers this film provides as it justifies its existence in the Star Wars Universe. I just wish that they had sat down at a table before they even started on The Force Awakens and decided precisely how the entire trilogy was to be played out. I'm sure that if they had done this we would have avoided TLJ's problems thus avoiding the messiness of this film. To conclude this review, it wasn't necessary this film's fault for being all over the place, as it did it's best job. It was TLJ's fault for tipping the direction of the trilogy midway through.
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