Another annoying model masquerading as tough guy.
30 December 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So Jorge Garcia has, sadly, left the series and now we have yet another Annoying Woman trying to be a tough guy. We've had them before in 5-O and I'm sure we'll have them again but why do they have to look as if they've stepped off the catwalk to try and impress the men on the team. 'Look at me I don't take S*** from anyone'


So this episode has lots of shoot 'em up, car chases with an absurd scene featuring a vehicle with 10 foot wheels drives over a line of cars to escape with Steve and Co plus Annoying Woman firing hand guns as it disappears into the distance with no hope of actually doing any damage.

Why do I watch it you ask? Well I love the interaction and verbals between Steve and Danny so if I have to put up with AW then I guess it's a small price to pay, depends how annoying she gets.

Let's see how the series progresses.
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