Don't Come Back from the Moon (2019) - 5.9
3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Act 1 - 5.8

Act 2 - 5.6

Act 3 - 6.4

Film shows the importance of what a father means to a family and how the absence of one can destroy a family and leave a feeling of helplessness and pain

Mickey choosing to be there for his son shows that you can break the cycle of abandonment and do your best for your family

Shows the weight that some of these fathers feel and how they can feel worthless for not supporting their family the way they know they should be

Tonally the film works and the score is solid too

Films main problem is that it is far too boring for a short run time

An overall decent film that I wouldn't recommend as it rarely rises to the occasion to capture the audience

Abandoned small town living and we see a family

Many fathers leave their families in this town, little to no work here

The two boys father leaves them too at a gas station

All these kids growing up without fathers that are just leaving for some unknown reason, kids say they went to the moon because it happens so often

Teenage son a Mickey must step up for his brother rand mother

Kids drinking and wandering around this town just having fun, Mickey meets a girl

Kids have no consequences in this fatherless world they are living in

Kids swear they won't go to the moon, leave this place

The kids of the town become the men and have to grow up fast

Mickey spends more time with and has sex with the girl

The girls father shows back up and she kicks him out, the dad says he messed up but she doesn't care

Girl let's her father back into her life while Mickey gets rid of all his dads things

Girl is going to Nebraska with her father where he found work

Feels like a whole lot of nothing is happening in this film, thinks it has something to say but I'm not hearing it

Kids feel trapped in this place too, nothing for them here

Mickey doesn't say bye to her as he's mad she's leaving him

Looks like Mickey ended up looking for her but was too late, this hurts her

Mickey goes to the bar and gets drunk and hooks up with the bartender there

There is a solid tone and vibe to the film

Mickey sees his mom kissing the guy she cut the hair of and got the job at the grocery store

Mickey confronts the guy who kissed his mom and his friend comes and beats up the guy really bad

I guess the film shows how an absentee father leads to stagnation and helplessness

Also starts a cycle that leads to more abandonment and the issues that come with that

The girl Mickey hooked up with from the bar tells him she's pregnant

Now Mickey has a kid on the way and he says he is leaving too, just like all the other fathers, he wants to find Sonya, his girlfriend

This breaks his little brothers heart

80's video game score over pieces of the film

Voiceover throughout the film gives insight into the characters thoughts, works well

Mickey runs into his uncle Johnny at a bar, tries to explain why the fathers left, all feel overwhelmed and useless in some way, says he would've stayed if he had a second chance

Mickey sees his dad outside of the bar and follows his truck with his car but we Mickey end up in the middle of the road and his father not in sight

Mickey turns the car around and we see him holding what we can assume is his own son back in the abandoned town

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